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Of Candlesticks, Stock Markets & RMDs
Turbulence, turmoil & uncertainty are upon us; change is the only constant in the universe. Be prepared; forewarned is forearmed. My crystal ball is no help…
January Full Moon -1
I prefer photographing the full moon the day before it is full. In the camera you can’t tell the difference in the moon, but the ground…
Sun Marches North
December 21st was the winter solstice and the official start of winter. It is also the time the Sun starts marching north from our perspective here…
WordPress 101
You can do it — Steve If you can type you can create a website. If you have an artistic eye you can make a pretty…
What’s in the Pi Shop
The Pi shop is 3 Raspberry Pi 5s, the first model with PCIe so they can take real storage media, like NVMe M.2 drives found in…
Is Self-hosting safe?
How can I securely and safely run a self-hosted website from my home office you may ask? In a word, curiosity. The Pi serving this page…